Monday, January 4, 2010

2010... A Recap So Far

I can’t believe it is already 2010. We spent New Year’s Eve at the Fire Department with all of our fireman friends eating yummy food and playing Corn Hole. I know what you are thinking… crazy name but it is a really fun game! I really didn’t think Jett and I would make it to midnight but we did. We got home around 12:45 and finally went to sleep around 1:30. Jett woke up crying around 5:00 and started coughing and sounded VERY croupy. He started breathing funny and I thought he needed to see a doctor. I woke Neal up and told him I was going to take Jett to the ER and he thought I should call the doctors office 1st. I called Dr. Smith’s office and asked to speak to the nurse on call right away. The nurse picked up the phone… I am thinking her name was Bonnie. I am still pretty asleep at this point! She asked me his birthday and I said 06-12-1984… see what I mean. Here is our conversation:

Bonnie: “What is going on?”
Me: “He woke up crying, started to cough, was very croupy, and is now acting like he is having trouble breathing.”
Bonnie: “Ok… You either need to bundle him up and go sit outside for about 10 minutes or steam up the bathroom and sit in there. Is there any way that I could hear him breathe?”
Me: “Sure, I will turn the speaker on and put it up to him.”
She listens to him…..
Bonnie: “Ok… he sounds really bad. Is he turning blue?”
Me: (I am freakin’ out at this point) “No”
Bonnie: “You need to take him to the ER right this minute.”

I can’t tell you what the rest of the conversation was because I had totally checked out! I woke Neal up again and off we went. The doctor, who was awesome, said he had a bad case of Croup and he thought that the night air had helped him because he didn’t sound as bad as he thought he should. They gave Jett a dose of a steroid, Decadron, to decrease the inflammation around the Wind Pipe. I had my camera but didn’t take any pictures because I thought the ER staff would think I was crazy for sure! We made it home by 7:30 and the rest of our day was spent catching up on our sleep.

Saturday we just played around our house and took Neal’s mom out for her birthday and yesterday was lunch at Nanny’s!!! My favorite part of the week! Tonight I am going to make Taco Soup and Maddie and Kerry are coming over to watch the Bachelor….. YAY! I am so excited! I just knew Jake would be the next Bach.


  1. If the ER staff blogged then they would've understood you having a camera. :)
    Croup can be very scary especially with a baby. I've been up many times at night steaming up the bathroom with a croup patient.

  2. I know first hand how scary croup can be. That is all Hayden ever had and still does sometimes. He never had strep or an ear infection like most kids because it was always the croup. In my mind i was going over CPR and would then realize that CPR wouldn't help if is larynx was swollen shut......duh me! I've sat many a night in the freezing temp. just to help him breath. Jett may be a little young just yet but I always keep pop cycles on hand. The cold helps to relieve the swelling. Glad he's doing better.....
